About stephencox.net
This site is a collections of things I've done, helped with or just like. Much of the content is not on this site and the cards link to pages and resources on other sites.
This is the 6th incarnation of stephencox.net. Each version has been designed and created by me and has been used to learn about new web technologies.
- The first version was a static HTML site and was programmed using a basic text editor as I learned about HTML and CSS.
- The next version was based on WordPress, which I used to learn about writing plugins and creating themes in Wordpress.
- Then I moved the site to Drupal 7, which was the first to be fully responsive.
- After that the site moved to Drupal 8, while it was still in beta, and I learned all about SASS, SMACSS and BEM while creating it.
- The last version was built using the same theme as the Drupal 8 version, but used a static site generator I wrote myself.
- This version is a rebuild of the last version using 11ty with a slight theme refresh, mainly to ensure it's fully accessible.
26th February 2023